Monday, June 7, 2010

Flagstaff, AZ: Meteor Crater and Lowell Observatory

Another hot day! The weather Service issued a heat warning again today. Yesterday Flagstaff hit a record high of 88F (31C) and today was just as hot.
We left first thing in the morning for Meteor Crater, but it was still incredibly hot when we got there. The exhibit centre has some great displays, including an 1100 lb piece of the iron-nickel meteor and a tribute to Eugene Shoemaker.

We went on the 1/2 mile hike along the rim and nearly got heat-stroke, but it was well worth it; got some great pictures!
For lunch we found a great micro-brew pub in Flagstaff, the Beaver Street Brewery, where we had enormous salads! and two great local pints. Suitably fortified, we went to Lowell Observatory for the afternoon, seeing both the blink comparator used by Clyde Tombaugh to discover Pluto, and the Clark telescope used by Percival Lowell for his Mars studies.

After a short rest to cool down, we returned to Lowell for the night observing program. Surprisingly, there were quite a number of people there; we stood in line to see Saturn through the Clark (unfortunately, not Mars) and M13 through a 16" Dobsonian which was set up on the grounds.

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