Friday, June 4, 2010

Day Six - Des Moines, IA to North Platte, Nebraska

Still another gorgeous day, 18C and sunny. Gently rolling farmland - corn and hay(?) - gradually becomes flat corn and hay fields, some cattle and horses. Omaha looks bigger than ever and Lincoln didn’t look any more interesting.

Lunch at Perkins just outside of Lincoln. This is a big western restaurant chain; it was difficult to find anything on the menu that wasn’t deep fried (deep fried green beans?? I kid you not!), didn’t have cheese on it, or was fried in butter! I thought I was safe with the Grilled Chicken Spinach Salad, but the chicken had been pan fried in butter after being grilled and it came with Hot Bacon Dressing!

After Grand Island, the highway follows the Platte River - not very wide or deep, but remarkable for just BEING there. Trees seem to grow naturally only next to the river, so you can tell where it is, even though it isn’t very big.

Given all the steak on the hoof outside, we wanted to try a steakhouse in North Platte for dinner, but after finding mixed reviews on all the local ones, we opted for Applebee’s (another large US chain). It was possible to order a small (7 or 8 oz.) steak, and both ours were good, but a little more rare than ordered. When the waitress saw our VISA from the TD Bank, she mentioned how her Polish father emigrated to Winnipeg first, then came to the US, so when she was born he gave her dual citizenship.

Thunderstorms overnight made the car wet, but didn’t clean off the bugs and dust. Decided to wait to wash it until Denver, even though it’s pretty disgusting.

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